Newcastle University je verejná výskumná univerzita, ktorá sa nachádza na severovýchode Anglicka v meste Newcastle upon Tyne. História tejto univerzity siaha do roku 1834 keď bola založená School of Medicne and Surgery (neskôr sa volala College Of Medicine) a v roku 1871 bola založená College of Physical Science (neskôr premenovaná na Armstrong College).
Tieto dve vysoké školy sa spojili a tvorili jednu súčasť University of Durham. V roku 1937 sa Newcastle vysoké školy spojili a vytvorili King’s College. V roku 1963 po jednaní parlamentu sa King’s College zmenilo na University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Newcastle University je členom Russell Group, združenia prestížných výskumných britských univerzít. Univerzita má jeden z najväčších výskumných portfólií EÚ vo Veľkej Británii. Newcastle má cez 20 000 študentov z viac ako 120 rôznych krajín.
Výučba a výskum sa uskutočňuje na 24 akademických školách a 40 výskumných ústavov a výskumných centier, ktoré sú súčasťou 3 fakúlt: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Medical Sciences; a Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. Univerzita ponúka okolo 175 bakalárských programov v širokom spektre odborov spolu s približne 340 postgraduálnych programov v celej rade odborov.
Univerzita má kampus v blízkosti Haymarket v centre mesta Newcastle upon Tyne. To sa nachádza na severozápade od centra mesta medzi otvorenými priestormi Leazes Park a Town Moor.
Niektoré odbory, ktoré sa špecializujú na biznis sa vyučujú na modernom kampuse v Londýne.
V septembri 2008 bola v Singapure otvorená prvá zahraničná pobočka tejto univerzity. V roku 2011 Medical School otvorila svoj kampus v Malajzii s názvom Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia.
- Accounting and Finance BA
- Accounting and Finance BSc – London campus
- Accounting and Mathematics BSc
- Business Accounting and Finance BA
- Agri-Business Management BSc
- Business Management BA
- Combined Honours BA
- Economics and Business Management BA
- International Business Management BSc
- International Business Management BSc – London campus
- International Marketing and Management BSc – London campus
- Marketing and Management BSc
- Economics BSc
- Economics and Business Management BA
- Economics and Finance BSc
- Economics and Mathematics BSc
- Politics and Economics BA
- International Marketing and Management BSc – London campus
- Marketing BSc
- Marketing and Management BSc
- Nutrition with Food Marketing BSc
- Game Engineering
- Computer Science (Game Engineering) BSc
- Computer Science (Game Engineering) MComp
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering) BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering) MComp
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Computer Science (Human-Computer Interaction) BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Human-Computer Interaction) BSc
- Countryside Management BSc
- Environmental Science BSc
- Environmental Science with Placement BSc
- Environmental Sciences (Agricultural and Environmental Science) MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Agricultural and Environmental Science) with Placement MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Clean Technology) MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Clean Technology) with Placement MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Ecosystem Management) MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Ecosystem Management) with Placement MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Environmental Geochemistry) MEnvSci
- Environmental Sciences (Environmental Geochemistry) with Placement MEnvSci
- Rural Studies BSc
- Chemical Engineering BEng
- Chemical Engineering MEng
- Chemical Engineering with Bioprocess Engineering MEng
- Chemical Engineering with Industry MEng
- Chemical Engineering with Process Control MEng
- Chemical Engineering with Sustainable Engineering MEng
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering BEng
- Civil Engineering MEng
- Civil Engineering with Year in Industry BEng
- Civil Engineering with Year in Industry MEng
- Civil Engineering with Foundation Year BEng
- Civil Engineering with Foundation Year MEng
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Civil and Structural Engineering BEng
- Civil and Structural Engineering MEng
- Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry BEng
- Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry MEng
- Civil and Surveying Engineering
- Civil and Surveying Engineering BEng
- Civil and Surveying Engineering MEng
- Civil and Surveying Engineering with Year in Industry BEng
- Civil and Surveying Engineering with Year in Industry MEng
- Automation and Control BEng
- Automation and Control with Industrial Project MEng
- Digital Electronics BEng
- Digital Electronics with Industrial Project MEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year BEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year MEng
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Project MEng
- Electrical Power Engineering BEng
- Electrical Power Engineering with Industrial Project MEng
- Electronic Communications BEng
- Electronic Communications with Industrial Project MEng
- Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng
- Electronics and Computer Engineering with Industrial Project MEng
- Microelectronic Engineering BEng
- Microelectronic Engineering with Industrial Project MEng
- Mechanical and Low Carbon Transport Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering BEng
- Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering BEng
- Mechanical Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with Biomedical Engineering MEng
- Mechanical Engineering with Mechatronics MEng
- Computer Science
- Computer Science BSc
- Computer Science MComp
- Computer Science (Study abroad) MComp
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement MComp
- Bio-Computing
- Computer Science (Bio-Computing) BSc
- Computer Science (Bio-Computing) MComp
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Bio-Computing) BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Bio-Computing) MComp
- Mobile and Distributed Systems
- Computer Science (Mobile and Distributed Systems) BSc
- Computer Science (Mobile and Distributed Systems) MComp
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Mobile and Distributed Systems) BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Mobile and Distributed Systems) MComp
- Security and Resilience
- Computer Science (Security and Resilience) BSc
- Computer Science (Security and Resilience) MComp
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Security and Resilience) BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Security and Resilience) MComp
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science (Software Engineering) BSc
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Software Engineering) BSc
- Biomedical Genetics BSc
- Biomedical Genetics (Integrated Master’s) MSci
- Biomedical Sciences BSc
- Biomedical Sciences (Integrated Master’s) MSci
- Medical Science (Deferred Choice) BSc
- Pharmacology BSc Honours
- Physiological Sciences BSc
- Dental Surgery BDS
- Oral and Dental Health Sciences BSc
- Biomedical Genetics BSc
- Biomedical Genetics (Integrated Master’s) MSci
- Medicine and Surgery MB BS
- Pharmacology BSc
- Pharmacy MPharm
- Physiological Sciences BSc
- Biology and Psychology BSc
- Combined Honours BA
- Mathematics and Psychology BSc
- Nutrition and Psychology BSc
- Psychology BSc
- Politics and Sociology BA
- Sociology BA
- Law LLB
- Sport and Exercise Science BSc
- Agri-Business Management BSc
- Agri-Business Management BSc
- Agriculture BSc
- Agriculture with Agronomy BSc
- Agriculture with Animal Production Science BSc
- Agriculture with Farm Business Management BSc
- Ancient History BA
- Ancient History and Archaeology BA
- Animal Science BSc
- Ancient History and Archaeology BA
- Archaeology BA
- Combined Honours BA
- History and Archaeology BA
- Biochemistry (Integrated Master’s) MSci Honours
- Biochemistry BSc
- Biology BSc Honours
- Biology MBiol Honours
- Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology) BSc
- Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology) with Placement BSc
- Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology) MBiol
- Biology (Ecology and Conservation) BSc
- Biology (Ecology and Conservation) MBiol
- Biology and Psychology BSc
- Zoology BSc
- Zoology MBiol
- Biochemistry BSc
- Biochemistry (Integrated Master’s) MSci
- Chemistry BSc
- Chemistry MChem
- Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) BSc
- Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) MChem
- Chemistry (with Study Abroad) MChem
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry BSc
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) BSc
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) MChem
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Study Abroad) MChem
- Ancient History BA
- Ancient History and Archaeology BA
- Classical Studies BA
- Classical Studies and English BA
- Classics BA
- Combined Honours BA
- Education BA
- Fine Art BA
- Combined Honours BA
- Geographic Information Science BSc
- Geography BSc
- Geography BA
- Geography and Planning BA
- Physical Geography BSc
- Surveying and Mapping Science BSc
- Geographic Information Science
- Physical Geography BSc
- Surveying and Mapping Science BSc
- Combined Honours BA
- Fine Art BA
- Marine Biology BSc
- Marine Biology and Oceanography BSc
- Marine Zoology BSc
- Marine Technology with Marine Engineering BEng
- Marine Technology with Marine Engineering MEng
- Marine Technology with Naval Architecture BEng
- Marine Technology with Naval Architecture MEng
- Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering BEng
- Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering MEng
- Marine Technology with Small Craft Technology BEng
- Marine Technology with Small Craft Technology MEng
- Accounting and Mathematics BSc
- Economics and Mathematics BSc
- Mathematics BSc
- Mathematics MMath
- Mathematics and Psychology BSc
- Mathematics and Statistics BSc
- Mathematics and Statistics MMathStat
- Mathematics with Finance BSc
- Mathematics with Management BSc
- Statistics BSc
- Food and Human Nutrition BSc
- Food and Human Nutrition with Placement BSc
- Nutrition and Psychology BSc
- Nutrition with Food Marketing BSc
- Nutrition with Food Marketing with Placement BSc
- Philosophy BA
- Physics BSc
- Physics MPhys
- Theoretical Physics BSc
- Theoretical Physics MPhys
- Marine Zoology BSc
- Zoology BSc
- Zoology MBiol
- Architecture BA
- Architecture and Urban Planning BA
- Earth Science BSc
- Earth Science MEarthSci
- Classical Studies and English BA
- Combined Honours BA
- English Literature and History BA
- English Language BA
- English Language and Literature BA
- English Literature BA
- English Literature with Creative Writing BA
- Linguistics BA
- Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese BA
- Linguistics with French BA
- Linguistics with German BA
- Linguistics with Spanish BA
- Modern Languages and Linguistics BA
- Film and Media BA
- Film Practices BA
- Combined Honours BA
- English Literature and History BA
- History BA
- History and Archaeology BA
- Politics and History BA
- Journalism, Media and Culture BA
- Linguistics BA
- Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese BA
- Linguistics with French BA
- Linguistics with German BA
- Linguistics with Spanish BA
- Modern Languages and Linguistics BA
- Combined Honours BA
- Film and Media BA
- Film Practices BA
- Journalism, Media and Culture BA
- Media, Communication and Cultural Studies BA
- Chinese Studies OR Japanese Studies BA
- Combined Honours BA
- Modern Languages BA
- Modern Languages and Business Studies BA
- Modern Languages and Linguistics BA
- Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies BA
- Contemporary and Popular Music BA
- Folk and Traditional Music BA
- Music BMus
- Music BA
- Government and European Union Studies BA
- Politics BA
- Politics and Economics BA
- Politics and History BA
- Politics and Sociology BA
- Speech and Language Sciences BSc
- Surveying and Mapping Science BSc
- Architecture and Urban Planning BA
- Geography and Planning BA
- Master of Planning MPlan
- Urban Planning BA
- Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment MSc
- Advanced International Business Management (Dual Award) MA, MSc
- Advanced International Business Management and Marketing MSc, MSc
- Automation and Control MSc
- Banking and Finance MSc
- Banking and Finance MSc (London campus)
- Business and Management MPhil, PhD
- Business and Management PhD (London campus)
- E-Business (E-Marketing) MSc
- E-Business (Information Systems) MSc
- E-Business MSc
- Finance and Accounting MPhil, PhD
- Finance and Accounting PhD (London campus)
- Finance and Economics (Research) MA
- Finance MSc
- Global Human Resource Management MSc
- Global Master of Business Administration MBA
- Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship MSc
- International Business Law LLM
- International Business Management MSc
- International Business Management MSc (London campus)
- International Development and Education MA
- International Development and Education with Cross Cultural Communication MA
- International Economics and Finance MSc
- International Financial Analysis MSc
- International Human Resource Management MA
- International Marine Environmental Consultancy (IMEC) MSc, PGDip
- International Marketing MSc
- International Marketing MSc (London campus)
- International Multimedia Journalism MA
- International Political Economy MA
- International Politics (Critical Geopolitics) MA
- International Politics (Global Justice and Ethics) MA
- International Politics (Globalisation, Poverty and Development) MA
- International Relations MA
- Management and Business Studies (Research) MA, PGDip
- Marketing MPhil, PhD
- Marketing PhD (London campus)
- Master of Business Administration MBA
- Operations Management (Dual Award) MSc/MSc
- Operations Management, Logistics and Accounting MSc
- Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
- Quantitative Finance and Risk Management MSc
- Digital Civics MRes
- Digital Media PhD
- Media and Cultural Studies MPhil, PhD
- Media and Journalism MA
- Media and Public Relations MA
- Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management MSc
- Clean Technology MSc, PGDip
- Ecological Consultancy MSc
- Energy MPhil, PhD
- Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry MSc
- Environmental Consultancy MSc
- Environmental Engineering MSc
- Environmental Law and Policy (Research) LLM
- Environmental Regulation and Sustainable Development LLM
- Environmental Resource Assessment MSc
- Environmental Science MPhil PhD
- Flood Risk Management MSc
- Hydrogeology and Water Management MSc
- Hydroinformatics and Water Management (Euro Aquae) MSc
- Hydroinformatics MSc
- Hydrology and Climate Change MSc
- Local and Regional Development (Research) MA
- Low Carbon Transport Engineering MSc
- Planning and Environment Research MA
- Planning for Sustainability and Climate Change MSc
- Renewable Energy Flexible Training Programme (REFLEX) MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Renewable Energy, Enterprise and Management (REEM) MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Advanced Electrical Power Engineering MSc
- Civil Engineering (Environmental) MPhil, PhD
- Civil Engineering (Geotechnical and Engineering Geology) MPhil, PhD
- Civil Engineering (Structural) MPhil, PhD
- Civil Engineering (Transport) MPhil, PhD
- Civil Engineering (Water Resources) MPhil, PhD
- Design and Manufacturing Engineering MSc
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering PhD
- Electrical Power MSc
- Engineering and Science in the Marine Environment Integrated PhD
- Engineering Geology MSc
- Materials Design and Engineering MSc
- Materials Engineering MPhil, PhD
- Mechanical and Systems Engineering MPhil, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering MSc
- Offshore Engineering MSc
- Pipeline Engineering MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Structural Engineering MSc
- Subsea Engineering and Management MSc
- Advanced Computer Science MSc
- Bioinformatics MSc
- Cloud Computing for Big Data MRes, PGDip
- Cloud Computing MSc
- Communications and Signal Processing MSc
- Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics MSc
- Computational Systems Biology MSc
- Computer Game Engineering MSc
- Computer Science Integrated PhD
- Computer Science MPhil, PhD
- Computer Science MSc
- Computer Security and Resilience MSc
- Mechatronics MSc
- Microelectronics MSc
- Wireless Embedded Systems MSc
- Ageing and Health MRes
- Ageing MPhil, PhD, MD
- Applied Educational Psychology Doctor of (DAppEdPsy)
- Biological Sciences MPhil, PhD
- Biomedical Engineering MSc
- Biomedicine MPhil, PhD, MD
- Biosciences MPhil, PhD, MD
- Biosciences MRes
- Biotechnology and Business Enterprise MRes
- Biotechnology MPhil, PhD
- Cancer MPhil, PhD, MD
- Cancer MRes
- Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease MRes
- Clinical and Health Sciences MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Clinical and Health Sciences with Ageing MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Clinical and Health Sciences with Clinical Research MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Clinical and Health Sciences with Molecular Pathology MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Clinical and Health Sciences with Therapeutics MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Clinical Linguistics and Evidence Based Practice (Research) MSc, PGDip
- Clinical Psychology Doctor of (DClinPsy)
- Clinical Research/Clinical Research (Ageing) MClinRes, PGDip, PGCert (E-learning)
- Clinical Research/Clinical Research (Leadership) MClinRes, PGDip, PGCert
- Clinical Science (pathways in Medical Physics and Physiological Sciences) MSc
- Dentistry and Dental Sciences MPhil, PhD
- Diabetes MRes
- Drug Chemistry MSc
- Epidemiology MRes
- Foundations in Clinical Psychology MSc
- Genetics MPhil, PhD, MD
- Genomic Medicine MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Health Services Research MSc, PGDip
- Immunobiology MRes
- Language Pathology MSc
- Medical and Molecular Biosciences MRes
- Medical Education MMedEd, PGDip, PGCert
- Medical Genetics MRes
- Medical Sciences MRes
- Medical Sciences MSc
- Medical Technology Innovation MRes
- Medicinal Plants and Functional Foods MSc
- Medicine and Surgery MPhil, PhD, MD
- Microbiology MPhil, PhD, MD
- Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine MRes
- Molecular Microbiology MRes
- Musculoskeletal Ageing (CIMA) MRes
- Neuromuscular Diseases MRes
- Neuroscience MPhil, PhD, MD
- Neuroscience Mres
- Oncology for the Pharmaceutical Industry MSc, PGDip
- Oncology MSc, PGDip
- Orthodontics MSc
- Palliative Care MSc, PGDip
- Phonetics and Phonology Integrated PhD
- Psychology MPhil, PhD
- Public Health and Health Services Research MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Public Health MPH, PGDip
- Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Services Research MPhil, PhD, MD
- Restorative Dentistry MClinDent
- Social Science and Health Research MSc
- Sociolinguistics (Research) MA, PGDip
- Sociology and Social Research MA
- Sociology MA
- Sociology MPhil, PhD
- Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine MRes
- International Law LLM
- Law LLM
- Law LLM (by research), MPhil, PhD
- Agricultural and Environmental Science MSc
- Agriculture MPhil, PhD
- Animal Behaviour MRes
- Animal Science MPhil, PhD
- Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare MSc, PGDip
- Art Museum and Gallery Practice MPrac
- Art Museum and Gallery Studies MA, PGDip
- Arts, Business and Creativity MA
- Chemical Engineering MPhil, PhD
- Chemistry MPhil, PhD
- Classics and Ancient History MA
- Classics and Ancient History MPhil, PhD
- Classics MLitt
- Creative Arts Practice MA
- Creative Writing MA, PGCert
- Creative Writing MPhil, PhD
- Economics MPhil, PhD
- Economics PhD (London campus)
- Education (Clinical) MPhil, PhD
- Education and Communication Integrated PhD
- Education Doctor of (EdD)
- Education MPhil, PhD
- Education Research MA
- Education: International Perspectives (Development and Education) MA
- Education: International Perspectives (Leadership and Management) MA
- Education: International Perspectives (Teaching and Learning) MA
- Education: International Perspectives (Technology in Education) MA
- Educational and Applied Linguistics Integrated PhD
- Food and Human Nutrition MPhil, PhD
- Food and Rural Development Research MSc
- Food and Society MPhil, PhD
- Geochemistry MPhil, PhD
- Geography MPhil, PhD
- Geomatics MPhil, PhD
- Geotechnical Engineering MSc
- Heritage Practice MPrac
- Heritage Studies MA, PGDip
- Heritage, Museums and Galleries MLitt
- History MA
- History MLitt
- History MPhil, PhD
- History of Medicine MA
- Human Geography Research MA
- Human Resource Management MA
- Industrial and Commercial Biotechnology MSc
- Mathematics and Statistics Integrated PhD
- Mathematics MPhil, PhD
- Museum Practice MPrac
- Museum Studies MA, PGDip
- Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies MPhil, PhD
- Organic Farming and Food Production Systems MSc
- Petroleum Geochemistry MSc
- Philosophy MLitt
- Philosophy MPhil, PhD
- Physics MPhil, PhD
- Politics (Research) MA
- Politics MPhil, PhD
- Portuguese MLitt
- Power Distribution Engineering MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Practitioner Enquiry MEd, Practitioner Enquiry (Leadership), Master of (MEd)
- Professional Translation for European Languages MA
- Rail and Logistics MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Regional Development and Spatial Planning MA
- Roman Frontier Studies MA
- Rural Studies MPhil, PhD
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security MRes
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security MSc
- Sustainable Buildings and Environments MSc
- Sustainable Chemical Engineering MSc, PGDip
- Synthetic Biology MSc
- Systems Biology Mres
- World Politics and Popular Culture MA
- Writing Poetry MA
- Applied Linguistics and TESOL MA
- Applied Linguistics Research MA
- Applied Process Control MSc, PGDip
- Archaeology MA
- Archaeology MLitt
- Archaeology MPhil, PhD
- Architectural Design Research MA
- Architecture, Master of (MArch)
- Architecture, Planning and Landscape (Design) MA
- Architecture, Planning and Landscape MA
- Architecture, Planning and Landscape MPhil, PhD
- British History MA
- Chinese Studies MLitt
- Cross-Cultural Communication and Applied Linguistics MA
- Cross-Cultural Communication and Education MA
- Cross-Cultural Communication and International Management MA
- Cross-Cultural Communication and International Marketing MA
- Cross-Cultural Communication and International Relations MA
- Cross-Cultural Communication and Media Studies MA
- Cross-Cultural Communication MA
- Employee Relations MA, PGDip, PGCert
- English Language and/or Linguistics MLitt
- English Literature MA
- English Literature MLitt
- English Literature MPhil, PhD
- European History MA
- European Union Studies MA
- Evolution and Human Behaviour MRes
- Experimental Architecture MSc
- Film Studies MLitt
- Film, MPhil PhD
- Film: Theory and Practice MA
- Fine Art MFA
- Fine Art MPhil, PhD
- Forensic Psychology MSc
- French Mlitt
- German MLitt
- International Spatial Planning MSc
- Interpreting MA
- Japanese Studies MLitt
- Journalism and Public Relations PhD
- Landscape Architecture Studies MA
- Latin American Interdisciplinary Studies MA
- Latin American Studies MLitt
- Linguistics (with specialist pathways in English Language, Language Acquisition, and European Languages) MA
- Linguistics and English Language Integrated PhD
- Linguistics, Applied Linguistics MPhil, PhD
- Marine Ecosystems and Governance MRes
- Marine Engineering MSc
- Marine Sciences MPhil, PhD
- Marine Technology (International) – Singapore MSc
- Marine Technology Education Consortium (MTEC) MSc, PGDip, PGCert
- Marine Technology MPhil, PhD
- Marine Transport Management MSc
- Modern and Contemporary Literature MA
- Modern Languages MPhil, PhD
- Music MLitt
- Music MMus, PGDip
- Music MPhil, PhD
- Nanoscale Science and Technology MPhil, PhD
- Naval Architecture MSc
- Spanish MLitt
- Speech and Language Sciences MPhil, PhD
- Statistics MPhil, PhD
- Technology in the Marine Environment MRes
- Town Planning MSc
- Toxicology MRes
- Translating and Interpreting MA
- Translating and Interpreting MPhil, PhD
- Translating MA
- Translation Studies MA
- Translation Studies MLitt
- Translational Medicine and Therapeutics MRes
- Transplantation MRes
- Transport Planning and Business Management MSc
- Transport Planning and Engineering MSc
- Transport Planning and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) MSc
- Transport Planning and the Environment MSc
- Urban Design MA, PGDip
- Urban Energy Technology and Policy MRes
- Urban Energy Technology and Policy (with specialist pathways in Planning, Architecture and Engineering) MSc
- Wildlife Management MSc
Každodenný život na univerzite
Študujem v Londýne a neviem si to tu vynachváliť. Londýn je kozmopolitné mesto plné života, takže ak chcem niekam vyraziť určite mám milión príležitostí. Moje štúdium je náročné, ja však viem že je to investícia do mojej budúcnosti.